2. Overview

2.1. Description

Python library for computing diefficiency metrics dief@t and dief@k.

The metrics dief@t and dief@k allow for measuring the diefficiency during an elapsed time period t or while k answers are produced, respectively. dief@t and dief@k rely on the computation of the area under the curve (AUC) of answer traces, and thus capturing the answer rate concentration over a time interval.

2.2. Attributes


Default colors for printing plots: yellow, red, blue

2.3. Functions


Compares dief@k at different answer completeness percentages.

diefk(inputtrace, inputtest[, k])

Computes the dief@k metric for a specific test at a given number of answers k.

diefk2(inputtrace, inputtest[, kp])

Computes the dief@k metric for a specific test at a given percentage of answers kp.

dieft(inputtrace, inputtest[, t, ...])

Computes the dief@t metric for a specific test at a given time point t.


Reads the other metrics from a CSV file.


Reads answer traces from a CSV file.

performance_of_approaches_with_dieft(traces, ...)

Compares dief@t with other conventional metrics used in query performance analysis.

plot_all_answer_traces(inputtrace[, colors])

Plots the answer traces of all tests; one plot per test.


Generates radar plots that compare dief@k at different answer completeness percentages; one per test.


Generates radar plots that compare dief@t with conventional metrics; one plot per test.

plot_answer_trace(inputtrace, inputtest[, ...])

Plots the answer trace of a given test for all approaches.

plot_continuous_efficiency_with_diefk(diefkDF, q)

Generates a radar plot that compares dief@k at different answer completeness percentages for a specific test.

plot_execution_time(metrics[, colors, log_scale])

Creates a bar chart with the overall execution time for all the tests and approaches in the metrics data.


Generates a radar plot that compares dief@t with conventional metrics for a specific test.