Source code for shaclapi.multiprocessing.contactSource

__author__ = 'Gabriela Montoya, Kemele M. Endris, Julian Gercke'  # modified version uses requests instead of urllib

import logging

import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def contactSource(queue, endpoint, query, limit=-1): """ Normal contactSource implementation but queue is filled with an output, which is in a format which is joinable with validation results. Queue_copy contains the normal result but with an ID. Example: Input: {var1: instance1, var2: instance2, var3: instance3} Output queue: {'instance': instance1, 'var': var1, 'id': UNIQUE_RESULT_ID}, {'instance': instance2, 'var': var2, 'id': UNIQUE_RESULT_ID}, {'instance': instance3, 'var': var3, 'id': UNIQUE_RESULT_ID} Output queue_copy: {'query_result': {'var1': instance1, 'var2': instance2, 'var3': instance3}, 'id': UNIQUE_RESULT_ID} """ # Contacts the datasource (i.e. real endpoint). # Every tuple in the answer is represented as Python dictionaries # and is stored in a queue. # print('in *NEW* contactSource') b = None cardinality = 0 server = endpoint referer = server try: server = server.split('http://')[1] except: try: server = server.split('https://')[1] except: raise Exception('Not a valid endpoint url: {}'.format(server)) if '/' in server: (server, path) = server.split('/', 1) else: path = '' host_port = server.split(':') port = 80 if len(host_port) == 1 else host_port[1] card = 0 if limit == -1: b, card = contactSourceAux(referer, server, path, port, query, queue) else: # Contacts the datasource (i.e. real endpoint) incrementally, # retrieving partial result sets combining the SPARQL sequence # modifiers LIMIT and OFFSET. # Set up the offset. offset = 0 while True: query_copy = query + ' LIMIT ' + str(limit) + ' OFFSET ' + str(offset) b, cardinality = contactSourceAux(referer, server, path, port, query_copy, queue, offset) card += cardinality if cardinality < limit: break offset = offset + limit # Close the queue # queue.put('EOF') # queue_copy.put('EOF') return b
[docs]def contactSourceAux(referer, server, path, port, query, queue, first_id=0): # Setting variables to return. b = None reslist = 0 if '' in server: server = server.replace('', 'localhost') js = 'application/sparql-results+json' params = {'query': query, 'format': js} headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36', 'Accept': js} try: r = requests.get(referer, params=params, headers=headers) res = r.text res = res.replace('false', 'False') res = res.replace('true', 'True') res = eval(res) reslist = 0 if type(res) == dict: b = res.get('boolean', None) if 'results' in res: # print 'raw results from endpoint', res id = first_id for x in res['results']['bindings']: for key, props in x.items(): # Handle typed-literals and language tags suffix = '' if props['type'] == 'typed-literal': if isinstance(props['datatype'], bytes): suffix = '^^<' + props['datatype'].decode('utf-8') + '>' else: suffix = '^^<' + props['datatype'] + '>' elif 'xml:lang' in props: suffix = '@' + props['xml:lang'] try: if isinstance(props['value'], bytes): x[key] = props['value'].decode('utf-8') + suffix else: x[key] = props['value'] + suffix except: x[key] = props['value'] + suffix queue.put({'var': key, 'instance': x[key], 'id': id}) logger.debug({'query_result': x, 'id': id}) id = id + 1 reslist += 1 else: logger.warning('the source ' + str(server) + ' answered in ' + res.getheader('content-type') + ' format, instead of the JSON format required, then that answer will be ignored') except Exception as e: raise Exception('Exception while sending request to ', referer, 'msg:', e) return b, reslist