Source code for shaclapi.query

import logging
from functools import reduce

import regex as re
from rdflib.paths import InvPath
from rdflib.plugins import sparql
from rdflib.term import URIRef, Variable

from shaclapi.triple import Triple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Query: def __init__(self, query_string, target_var=None, namespace_manager=None): self.query_string = query_string self.__query_object = None self.__namespace_manager = namespace_manager self.__variables = None self.__PV = None self.__triples = None self.__target_var = target_var def __repr__(self): return self.query_string
[docs] def copy(self): return Query(self.query_string, namespace_manager=self.namespace_manager)
@property def query_object(self): if not self.__query_object: self.__query_object = sparql.processor.prepareQuery( self.query_string) return self.__query_object @property def triples(self): if not self.__triples: self.__triples = self.extract_triples() return self.__triples @property def target_var(self): if not self.__target_var: self.__target_var = self._get_target_var() return self.__target_var @property def namespace_manager(self): if not self.__namespace_manager: self.__namespace_manager = self.query_object.prologue.namespace_manager return self.__namespace_manager @property def variables(self): if not self.__variables: variables = self.query_object.algebra.get('_vars') or [] self.__variables = [var.n3(self.namespace_manager) for var in variables] return self.__variables @property def PV(self): if not self.__PV: pv = self.query_object.algebra.get('PV') or [] self.__PV = [var.n3(self.namespace_manager) for var in pv] return self.__PV
[docs] @staticmethod def prepare_query(query, namespace_manager=None): """Query must be slightly modified to fit the conditions of travshacl, rdflib, ... Args: query (string): Initial select query Returns: Query: Valid Query-Object for further processing """ # Remove ',' in a query's SELECT clause (i.e.: SELECT ?x, ?y). RDFLib is not able to parse these patterns. select_clause ='SELECT(\s+DISTINCT)*\s+([?]\w+[,]*\s*)+', query, re.IGNORECASE).group(0) select_clause_new = select_clause.replace(',', ' ') query = query.replace(select_clause, select_clause_new) # Replace all ' occuring in URIs or Literals query = re.sub(r"(?<=((<|\")\S+))'(?=(\S+(>|\")))", r'%27', query) query = re.sub(r"'\"", r'%27"', query) query = re.sub(r"\"'", r'"%27', query) # Literals are parsed in the format '"literal_value"', ' must be replaced with " to apply pattern matching. query = query.replace("'", '"') # Remove '.' if it is followed by '}', Trav-SHACL cannot handle these dots. query = re.sub(r'\.[\s\n]*}', r'\n}', query) query = re.sub(r'\n', r'', query) return Query(query, namespace_manager=namespace_manager)
[docs] def is_starshaped(self): subject_intersection = reduce(set.intersection, [{t.subject} for t in self.triples]) if len(subject_intersection) == 1: return subject_intersection.pop() else: return None
[docs] def make_starshaped(self): center = self.is_starshaped() if isinstance(center, URIRef): triples = set([t.set_subject(Variable('x')) for t in self.triples]) filters = self.extract_filter_terms() values = self.extract_values_terms() values.extend({'VALUES ?x{' + center.n3() + '}'}) return Query.query_from_parts(self.PV, 'DISTINCT' in self.query_string ,triples,filters,values, namespace_manager=self.namespace_manager) elif isinstance(center, Variable): return self else: return None
[docs] def extract_filter_terms(self): return re.findall(r'FILTER\s*\(.*\)', self.query_string, re.DOTALL)
[docs] def extract_values_terms(self): return re.findall(r'VALUES\s*[?].*\{[^}]*\}', self.query_string, re.DOTALL)
[docs] def extract_triples(self): """Entry point for a recursive run over a sparql.algebra, which represents a query as nested dictionaries. Returns: list: List of triples (s, p, o) where each term is given by its internal rdflib representation (e.g.: Variable('?subject')) """ return self.__extract_triples_recursion(self.query_object.algebra)
def __extract_triples_recursion(self, algebra, is_optional=False): """Recursive function for triple pattern extraction. Args: algebra (dict): A sparql.algebra dictionary Returns: list: List of Triple Objects which behave as Python Tuple (s, p, o) where each term is given by its internal rdflib representation (e.g.: Variable('?subject')) """ result = [] for k, v in algebra.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): if == 'LeftJoin' and v['expr'].name == 'TrueFilter' and v['expr']['_vars'] == set(): result = result + \ self.__extract_triples_recursion(v, is_optional=True) else: if is_optional and k == 'p2': result = result + \ self.__extract_triples_recursion( v, is_optional=True) else: result = result + \ self.__extract_triples_recursion( v, is_optional=False) else: if k == 'triples': result = result + Triple.fromList(v, is_optional) return result def _get_target_var(self): """Retrieves the target_variable of a star-shaped query. Given by the star-shaped structure, the target_variable must appear in each triple of the query in the subject position. Raises: Exception: If this function retrieves multiple or no candidates, the query is assumed to be a non-valid query. Returns: string: target_variable """ center = self.is_starshaped() if center is None and len(self.PV) == 1: return self.PV[0] if center is not None and isinstance(center, Variable): return center.n3() else: return None
[docs] def as_target_query(self, target_var, replace_prefixes=False): """Creates a target query based on the given query_string, where the projection is reduced to the target_var only and (optionally) the prefixes are replaced and removed. Args: replace_prefixes (bool, optional): Highlights if prefixes should be replaced or not. Defaults to True. Returns: string: A target query corresponding to the query_string """ target_query = self._reduce_select(self.query_string, target_var) if replace_prefixes: return self._replace_prefixes_in_query(target_query) return target_query
[docs] def intersect(self, target_var, oldTargetQuery) -> str: """ Merges two queries using intersection """ target_query = self.as_target_query(target_var) if '?x' in target_query and target_var != '?x': # Replace old ?x in target_query new_var = '?yx' while new_var in target_query: new_var = new_var + 'x' target_query = target_query.replace('?x', new_var) # Replace target_var with '?x' target_query = target_query.replace(target_var, '?x') if '?x' not in oldTargetQuery.query_string: old_target_query = oldTargetQuery.query_string.replace( oldTargetQuery.target_var, '?x') else: old_target_query = oldTargetQuery.query_string if target_query.upper().count('SELECT') == 1 and old_target_query.upper().count('SELECT') == 1: old_query = Query(old_target_query) new_query = Query(target_query) # Intersection of both queries triples = old_query.triples triples.extend(new_query.triples) triples = set(triples) filters = old_query.extract_filter_terms() filters.extend(new_query.extract_filter_terms()) values = old_query.extract_values_terms() values.extend(new_query.extract_values_terms()) return self.target_query_from_triples(triples, filters, values, namespace_manager=self.namespace_manager).query_string else: old_target_query_prefix_free = re.sub('(.*?)PREFIX(.*?)\n', '', old_target_query) new_target_query_prefix_free = re.sub('(.*?)PREFIX(.*?)\n', '', target_query) target_query = f'''SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE {{ {{ {old_target_query_prefix_free} }} {{ {new_target_query_prefix_free} }} }} ''' logger.warning('Generated target query may be slow, try to make the target defintion and the given query more simple is possible.') return target_query
[docs] @staticmethod def target_query_from_triples(triples: set, filters: list = None, values: list = None, namespace_manager=None): return Query.query_from_parts(['?x'], True, triples, filters, values, namespace_manager)
[docs] @staticmethod def query_from_parts(PV: list, distinct: bool, triples: set, filters: list = None, values: list = None, namespace_manager=None): triples = sorted(list(triples)) query_string = 'SELECT ' + ('DISTINCT ' if distinct else ' ') + (' '.join(PV)) + ' WHERE {\n' if values: for value in values: query_string += value + '\n' for triple in triples: query_string += triple.n3() + '\n' if filters: for filter_ in filters: query_string += filter_ + '\n' query_string += '}' return Query.prepare_query(query_string, namespace_manager=namespace_manager)
[docs] def get_statement(self): start = self.query_string.index('{') + len('{') end = self.query_string.rfind('}') return self.query_string[start:end]
[docs] def as_result_query(self): return Query(re.sub( r'(SELECT\s+(DISTINCT|REDUCED)?).*WHERE', f'SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE', self.query_string, count=1 ), namespace_manager=self.namespace_manager)
def _reduce_select(self, query, target_var): """ Reduces the full SELECT part of the target_query to the relevant target var. Regex based on: Regex: SELECT [DISTINCT|REDUCED] [[?targ, ...]|*] WHERE -> SELECT [DISTINCT|REDUCED] ?targ WHERE """ query = re.sub( r'(SELECT\s+(DISTINCT|REDUCED)?).*WHERE', f'SELECT DISTINCT {target_var} WHERE', query, count=1 ) return query def _replace_prefixes_in_query(self, query): """Uses the information from self.get_triples to replace abbreviated term with their long version. It would be possible to perform this action without knowing the triples, but finding and replacing only relevant parts is then harder. Args: query (string): A query in prefix/abbreviated notation Returns: string: A query in IRI/long notation """ for short_list, long_list in zip(self.get_triples(replace_prefixes=False), self.get_triples(replace_prefixes=True)): short_s, short_p, short_o = short_list long_s, long_p, long_o = long_list short_triple = fr'{re.escape(short_s)}\s+{re.escape(short_p)}\s+{re.escape(short_o)}' long_triple = f'{long_s} {long_p} {long_o}' query = re.sub(short_triple, long_triple, query) prefix_block ='(PREFIX.*)SELECT', query, re.DOTALL) query = query[prefix_block.end(1):] return query
[docs] def get_predicates(self, replace_prefixes=True, ignore_inv=True): """Returns a list of all predicates appearing in the query_string. Optionally replacing prefixes and/or ignoring the paths' directions. Args: replace_prefixes (bool, optional): Highlights whether prefixes should be replaced or not. Defaults to True. ignore_inv (bool, optional): Highlights whether path directions can be ignored. Defaults to True. Returns: list(string): A list of all predicates/paths """ if ignore_inv: return [p[p.startswith('^'):] for _, p, _ in self.get_triples(replace_prefixes=replace_prefixes)] return [p for _, p, _ in self.get_triples(replace_prefixes=replace_prefixes)]
[docs] def get_triples(self, replace_prefixes=True): """Returns a list of all triples appearing in the query_string. Optionally replacing prefixes. Args: replace_prefixes (bool, optional): Highlights whether prefixes should be replaced or not. Defaults to True. Returns: list: A list of all triples where each triple is a tuple or three strings ('subject', 'predicate', 'object) """ if replace_prefixes: return [t.toTuple() for t in self.triples] else: return [t.toTuple(self.namespace_manager) for t in self.triples]
[docs] def get_variables_from_pred(self, pred): """ Assumption star-shaped query with target variables only as subject! """ vars_found = set() for s, p, o in self.triples: if isinstance(p, InvPath): p_short = '^'+URIRef(p.arg).n3(self.namespace_manager) p_long = '^'+URIRef(p.arg).n3() else: p_short = p.n3(self.namespace_manager) p_long = p.n3() if s.n3() == self.target_var and (p_short == pred or p_long == pred) and isinstance(o, Variable): vars_found.add(o.n3()) return vars_found