Source code for shaclapi.reduction

from TravSHACL.sparql.SPARQLEndpoint import SPARQLEndpoint

from shaclapi.reduction.s2spy.ReducedShapeSchema import ReducedShapeSchema as ReducedShapeSchemaS2Spy
from shaclapi.reduction.travshacl.ReducedShapeSchema import ReducedShapeSchema as ReducedShapeSchemaTravShacl

[docs]def prepare_validation(config, query, result_transmitter): """ Given a Config Object (app/, a Query Object (app/ and an Result Transmitter Object, which will be used to for non-blocking transmission of validation results from the backend to the api, this methode will prepare a matching ShapeSchema to be used for validation. """ # Prepare the backend and choose the matching inherited ShapeSchema. if config.backend == 'travshacl': ShapeSchema = ReducedShapeSchemaTravShacl SPARQLEndpoint.instance = None # Needs to be reset since it is a singleton and won't change otherwise elif config.backend == 's2spy': ShapeSchema = ReducedShapeSchemaS2Spy else: raise NotImplementedError('The given backend {} is not implemented'.format(config.backend)) # Initialize the ShapeSchema, this will parse the Shapes from the files and reduce the network as configured. shape_schema = ShapeSchema.from_config(config, query, result_transmitter) return shape_schema