shaclapi.reduction.travshacl.ReducedShapeParser module#

class shaclapi.reduction.travshacl.ReducedShapeParser.ReducedShapeParser(query, graph_traversal, config)[source]#

Bases: ShapeParser

parse_shapes(path, shapeFormat, useSelectiveQueries, maxSplitSize, ORDERBYinQueries)[source]#

Parses shapes from a directory or RDFlib graph. However, shapes are only relevant if they occur in the query or are reachable from shapes occurring in the query. The remaining shapes can be removed.

replace_target_query(shape, query)[source]#
parse_constraints(array, targetDef, constraintsId)[source]#

Parses all constraints of a shape.

  • array – list of constraints belonging to the shape

  • target_def – the target definition of the shape

  • constraints_id – suffix for the constraint IDs


list of constraints in internal constraint representation

parse_constraints_ttl(array, target_def, constraints_id)[source]#

Parses all constraints of a shape.

  • array – list of constraints belonging to the shape

  • target_def – the target definition of the shape

  • constraints_id – suffix for the constraint IDs


list of constraints in internal constraint representation

parse_constraint(varGenerator, obj, id, targetDef, options=None)[source]#
Constraints are only relevant if:
  • subject and object do both NOT belong to the targetShape OR

  • subject or object belong to the targetShape AND the predicate is part of the query (-> inverted paths can be treated equally to normal paths)

Other constraints are not relevant and result in an empty list.


Constraints and references are parsed independently based on the input SHACL shape schema. Constraints that are removed in parse_constraint() should not appear in the references. self.removed_constraints keeps track of the removed constraints

shape_references is used to get the references in self.currentShape to other shapes. It then returns ONE path of a constraint referencing to that shape (The other ones are ignored?!)


Computes the edges in the network.

Returns unidirectional dependencies with a single exception: Reversed dependencies are included, if they aim at the targetShape.