Source code for shaclapi.reduction.s2spy.ReducedShapeParser

import logging
import re
from functools import reduce

from SHACL2SPARQLpy.ShapeParser import ShapeParser

from shaclapi.reduction.Reduction import Reduction

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
re_https = re.compile("https?://")

# Note the internal structure of ShapeParser:
# parse_shapes_from_dir --> calls for each shape: parse_constraints (--> parse_constraint), shape_references; Afterwards we call computeReducedEdges to find the involvedShapeIDs.
[docs]class ReducedShapeParser(ShapeParser): def __init__(self, query, graph_traversal, config): super().__init__() self.query = query self.targetShapes = config.target_shape if isinstance(config.target_shape, dict) else {'UNDEF': [config.target_shape]} self.targetShapeList = [shape for shape in reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, self.targetShapes.values()) if shape is not None] self.currentShape = None self.removed_constraints = {} self.involvedShapeIDs = [] self.graph_traversal = graph_traversal self.config = config
[docs] def parseShapesFromDir(self, path, shapeFormat, useSelectiveQueries, maxSplitSize, ORDERBYinQueries): """ Parses shapes from a directory. However, shapes are only relevant if they occur in the query or are reachable from shapes occurring in the query. The remaining shapes can be removed. """ all_shapes = super().parseShapesFromDir(path, shapeFormat, useSelectiveQueries, maxSplitSize, ORDERBYinQueries) reducer = Reduction(self) # Step 1: Prune not reachable shapes reduced_shapes = reducer.reduce_shape_network(all_shapes, self.targetShapeList) if self.config.prune_shape_network: shapes = reduced_shapes else: shapes = all_shapes logger.warning('Shape Network is not pruned!') logger.debug('Removed Constraints:' + str(self.removed_constraints)) # Step 2: Replace appropriate target queries if self.query is not None and self.config.replace_target_query and 'UNDEF' not in self.targetShapes: reducer.replace_target_query(shapes, self.query, self.targetShapes, self.targetShapeList, self.config.merge_old_target_query, self.config.query_extension_per_target_shape) else: logger.warning('Using Shape Schema WITHOUT replaced target query!') if self.config.start_with_target_shape: return shapes, reducer.node_order(self.targetShapeList), self.targetShapeList else: return shapes, None, self.targetShapeList
[docs] def replace_target_query(self, shape, query): shape.targetQuery = shape.prefix_string + query
[docs] def shape_get_id(self, shape): return shape.getId()
[docs] def parseConstraints(self, shapeName, array, targetDef, constraintsId): self.currentShape = constraintsId[:-3] self.removed_constraints[self.currentShape] = [] return [c for c in super().parseConstraints(shapeName, array, targetDef, constraintsId) if c]
[docs] def parse_constraints_ttl(self, array, target_def, constraints_id): self.currentShape = '<' + constraints_id[:-3] + '>' self.removed_constraints[self.currentShape] = [] return [c for c in super().parse_constraints_ttl(array, target_def, constraints_id) if c]
[docs] def parseConstraint(self, varGenerator, obj, id, targetDef): """ Constraints are only relevant if: - subject and object do both NOT belong to the targetShape OR - subject or object belong to the targetShape AND the predicate is part of the query (-> inverted paths can be treated equally to normal paths) Other constraints are not relevant and result in an empty list. """ if self.query is not None and self.config.remove_constraints and (self.currentShape in self.targetShapeList or obj.get('shape') in self.targetShapeList): path = obj['path'] if str(path).startswith('^'): path = path[1:] is_inverse_path = True else: is_inverse_path = False if re_https.match(path): path = '<' + path + '>' path = '^' + path if is_inverse_path else path query_predicates = self.query.get_predicates(replace_prefixes=True, ignore_inv=False) else: query_predicates = self.query.get_predicates(replace_prefixes=False, ignore_inv=False) if path in query_predicates: return super().parseConstraint(varGenerator, obj, id, targetDef) else: self.removed_constraints[self.currentShape] += [obj.get('path')] return [] return super().parseConstraint(varGenerator, obj, id, targetDef)
[docs] def shapeReferences(self, constraints): """ Constraints and references are parsed independently based on the input SHACL shape schema. Constraints that are removed in parse_constraint() should not appear in the references. self.removed_constraints keeps track of the removed constraints shape_references is used to get the references in self.currentShape to other shapes. It then returns ONE path of a constraint referencing to that shape (The other ones are ignored?!) """ return {c.get('shape'): c.get('path') for c in constraints if c.get('shape') and c.get('path') not in self.removed_constraints[self.currentShape]}
[docs] def computeReducedEdges(self, shapes): """ Computes the edges in the network. Returns unidirectional dependencies of the shapes in the network. """ dependencies = {s.getId(): [] for s in shapes} reverse_dependencies = {s.getId(): [] for s in shapes} for s in shapes: refs = s.getShapeRefs() if refs: name = s.getId() dependencies[name] = refs return dependencies, reverse_dependencies