
v1.7.2 - 09 Sep 2024

  • Mark the JSON format for shape schemas as deprecated

  • Update dependencies

  • Minor updates of documentation

  • Update the Python version for the Docker image (3.11.5 to 3.12.5)

  • Update the Virtuoso version in tests and example to 7.2.13

v1.7.1 - 06 Apr 2024

  • Raise NotImplementedError stating that an unsupported feature was used instead of UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'dict_1'

v1.7.0 - 23 Nov 2023

  • Add feature to pass an rdflib.Graph instead of a schema directory

v1.6.0 - 14 Nov 2023

  • Add feature to validate private SPARQL endpoints via HTTP Basic Auth

  • Add Python 3.12 support

  • Minor maintenance updates

v1.5.1 - 17 Oct 2023

  • Fix necessity of adding a slash (/) at the end of the output path

  • Update trace keeping

  • Minor updates of documentation

v1.5.0 - 21 Sep 2023

  • Fix parameter endpoint for Flask app

  • Reduce the number of entities in the example

  • Update the Python version for the Docker image (3.9.13 to 3.11.5)

  • Update the Virtuoso version in tests and example to 7.2.10

  • Update GitHub Action for the test suite to run in parallel

  • Update init method of ShapeSchema

    • All parameters are now keyword-only and typed

    • Only shape_dir and endpoint are required

    • Add default values for the remaining parameters

  • Code clean up and structural improvements

  • Add documentation to GitHub pages

v1.4.2 - 19 Jul 2023

  • The raw representation of OR constraints is no longer kept after parsing the constraint

  • Fix issue with OR query when there are no constraints

v1.4.1 - 18 Jul 2023

  • Refactor parsing of OR constraints

v1.4.0 - 13 Jul 2023

  • Add capability of executing simple OR constraints, i.e., minimal or maximal occurrence of a predicate

  • Add capability to handle inverse paths sh:path [ sh:inversePath ex:your_predicate ]

  • Add test cases for the above-mentioned features

  • Update dependencies

  • Drop Python 3.7 support

  • Add Python 3.11 support

v1.3.2 - 09 Jul 2023

  • Add option for creating only one single connected component to TravSHACL.core.GraphTraversal.traverse_graph()

v1.3.1 - 27 Jun 2023

  • Remove print of execution time

v1.3.0 - 17 Feb 2023

  • Add feature for basic SPARQL constraints

  • Add feature to validate RDFLib graphs

  • Improve finding of shape files

  • Easier import of important parts of Trav-SHACL

  • Add more test cases

v1.2.0 - 01 Feb 2023

  • Add feature of target query in RDF input

v1.1.2 - 30 Jan 2023

  • Fix referencing shapes when using TTL input

  • Print report to console only if it is not stored in file

v1.1.1 - 15 Dec 2022

  • Fix not changing endpoint URL when using the interface

v1.1.0 - 14 Dec 2022

  • Temporary fix for MinMaxConstraints

  • Add simple validation interface

  • Add parsing of more than one shape per file (in Turtle format only)

  • Fix issue with multiple connected components in the SHACL schema

  • Fix for referencing shapes when using Turtle format

v1.0.2 - 03 Aug 2022

  • Fix inferred state of targets of shape without constraints

  • Include the type statement for the referencing shape in max inter-shape constraint queries

v1.0.1 - 02 Aug 2022

  • Fix max constraint query for cases where the target query contains several triple patterns

v1.0.0 - 13 Jul 2022

  • First release of Trav-SHACL