Features and Limitations

The current implementation of Trav-SHACL does not cover all features of the complete SHACL language. The following is a list of what is supported:

  • simple cardinality constraints, i.e., sh:minCount and sh:maxCount

  • relaxed shape-based constraints, i.e., sh:qualifiedValueShape with sh:qualifiedMinCount and sh:qualifiedMaxCount

  • simple SPARQL constraints, i.e., sh:sparql with sh:select

    • sh:prefixes is currently not implemented, i.e., the query needs to use full URIs or specify the prefixes within sh:select

    • sh:message is ignored, i.e., the message is not included in the result

    • only $this is supported as placeholder

  • simple logical constraints, i.e., sh:or

  • Trav-SHACL is capable of validating

    • public SPARQL endpoints

    • private SPARQL endpoints via HTTP Basic Auth (since v1.6.0)

    • RDFLib graphs (since v1.3.0)

The following is a list of some of the more important features that are not yet covered:

  • sh:node

  • sh:datatype

  • sh:hasValue

  • sh:and

  • and others