4.5. Measuring Performance with dief@k

The metric dief@k measures the diefficiency of a query engine while producing the first k answers when executing a query. Intuitively, approaches that require a shorter period of time to produce a certain number of answers are more efficient. dief@k interpretation: Lower is better.

The diefpy.diefk and diefpy.diefk2 methods compute the dief@k metric as follows.

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_images/thumb_example_diefk.png'

import diefpy
import pandas as pd  # for displaying the data in a nice way

# Load the answer trace file with the query traces from FigShare.
traces = diefpy.load_trace("https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/9625852")

Compute dief@k of the approaches recorded in traces when executing Q9.sparql and producing the first 2,000 answers.

dk = diefpy.diefk(traces, "Q9.sparql", 2000)
test approach diefk
0 Q9.sparql NotAdaptive 4686.110721
1 Q9.sparql Random 3517.679419
2 Q9.sparql Selective 3235.550629

Compute dief@k of the approaches recorded in traces when executing Q9.sparql and producing the first k answers, where k is the minimum of the total answers produced among all the approaches.

dk = diefpy.diefk(traces, "Q9.sparql")
test approach diefk
0 Q9.sparql NotAdaptive 20232.388727
1 Q9.sparql Random 12992.974714
2 Q9.sparql Selective 14588.184761

Compute dief@k of the approaches recorded in traces when executing Q9.sparql and producing 50% of the answers.

dk = diefpy.diefk2(traces, "Q9.sparql", 0.50)
test approach diefk
0 Q9.sparql NotAdaptive 6162.528256
1 Q9.sparql Random 4636.632188
2 Q9.sparql Selective 5537.020660

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 27.067 seconds)

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